Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Power of Simcha

Another guest post from an amazingly strong Northern Figtree.
We are now entering into a very special time, a time that presents us with an amazing opportunity to change and grow. We are all familiar with the famous Gemarah in Tannis 29 that says When the month Adar enters,we increase in simcha. The obvious question that needs to be asked is why? What is it about the month of Adar that we make a conscious effort to increase our simcha. Shouldnt this be something we do year round. The simple answer is, that if we look at what took place during the month of Adar we can understand why we are so happy. Back in the days of the stroy of the Megilah , Haman Harasha tried to wipe out the jews. He tried to have us all killed and with the help and blessing of Hashem he was not successful. Therefore in order to remember and celebrate the fact that he was not successful in destroying us, we not only celebrate during Adar but we increase our simcha to a higher level. However I think that we can go a little deeper, and see a different reason as to why specifically during the month of Adar, our avodah is to increase our simcha.Says Rabbi Nosson in Likutey Etzot quoting from Rabbanu, Rebbe Nachman Mi Breslov, " Someone who is himself happy, can give heart to somebody else. It is a great thing to bring joy to the heart of your fellow jews. Most people are full of pain and worry and all kinds of troubles , and they find it impossible to speak out what it is in their hearts. Someone who comes with a smiling face ,can LITERALLY GIVE THEM FRESH LIFE. This is a very great thing. You can make another person happy, YOU ARE LITERALLY GIVING NEW LIFE TO A JEWISH SOUL". Explains Reb Nosson , that when we come to someone and cheer them up, give them joy, add some simcha to thier life, we are not just doing a nice thing. We are not just as the saying go's "cheering them up". We are are MAMISH giving them a fresh start, a new life. That simcha has the ability to recharge, reinvigorate, renew the jewish soul. Haman tried to come and annihilate the jewish people. We respond to Haman, by countering exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to take life, so in Adar we respond by giving life. How do we do that? By increasing simcha ,by giving life to the jewish soul.Lets really take this torah of Reb Nosson to heart.Let us try to not only only increase the simcha in our lives, but in the lives of those around us. Lets try and give a new start, a new life, to all those that need it, by giving a smile, or saying a kind word or joke, or even just listening to someone who needs to let some things out. Lets dance a little more and sing a little more. Let us use the koach of simcha to make sure that " these days of Purim will never pass from among the Jews, nor shall their memory depart from their descendants" ( Ester 9:28).GUT CHODESH -GUT PURIM

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